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Our Team

Our Team Works Best For You

Mulcahy Holmes Real Estate Agency has been servicing our customers since 1968. Our continued success is a direct result of our loyal customers. Having always been a forerunner in the Cream Ridge, Plumsted and surrounding areas, we pledge to continue this quality service in the future.

Our experienced sales force makes this possible. Highly competent, with varied qualifications and backgrounds, our team works best for you!
We have a staff of full-time and part-time “Truly Professional” Sales Associates. Our Sales Associates are skilled in the art of qualifying buyers, handling negotiations, overcoming objections and financial problem solving.
We are dedicated to providing you with the ultimate in service and satisfaction with our “owner operated” shirt sleeve management.

We believe our market to be the best location in which to reside in Central New Jersey. Our office is located at the intersection of busy Routes 537& 539 in Cream Ridge. This puts us in a most advantageous position to receive the drive-in buyer for your home.

We enjoy an excellent reputation in our profession. Many of our customers are referred to us by their family, friends and other satisfied customers.To those we have serviced in the past a hearty “thank you”. We look forward to meeting the rest of you real soon!

Mulcahy Holmes Real Estate Agency

Howard Emmons Jr. Broker/Owner & Salesperson

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